
Kybella Treatment In Kent, WA

Kybella Service

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable to reduce the submental fat pockets beneath the chin. A nonsurgical Kybella injectable can slenderize your structure if you struggle with a double chin. We also perform injections on the jowls at our office for a slimmer appearance. The Kybella solution consists of an ingredient called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance that decomposes fat cells regularly. Treatments with Kybella will drastically reduce fat beneath the chin and within your jowls to define your jawline.

The Advantages Of Kybella Treatment Include:

Kybella Treatment

We’ll administer a few injections beneath the chin or the jowls during the procedure. On average, patients get three to four chin treatments spaced over six weeks. Jowl treatment varies, and you may get one to two treatments for optimal results. A numbing ointment or ice pack may be used to reduce discomfort.

Double Chin (Submental Area)

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Kybella can be injected beneath the chin to permanently destroy fat cells and diminish your double chin. We recommend 2-3 treatments for optimal results. The treatments are typically spaced by 4-6 weeks. The injections can also be administered on other body areas, such as the jowls, bra bulges, and inner thighs, which may have pockets of fat cells.


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Jowls are the sagging skin in the lower face that have laxity. This is caused by elastin and collagen reduction in the skin. A quick series of 2-3 injections within the face can permanently destroy fat cells to diminish the jowls. The results are permanent.


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We provide Kybella injections
on several body areas, including the armpits, bra line, hips, inner thighs, etc. The injection is administered in the area of treatment to permanently destroy fat cells for natural enhancement to improve your confidence. The results are permanent, and we typically use 2-3 vials per area for optimal results.


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Are you new to R and R Aesthetics? We’ll meet with you to discuss your treatment goals and offer you a customized treatment plan. Let’s determine which treatment plan is perfect for you.


Kybella is a safe treatment that improves elasticity and gives you smoother skin. Once the fat cells are flushed, they won’t reproduce. You’ll get a permanently slimmer chin or jowls.

You’ll see the results six weeks after treatment. Your chin and jowls will continue to improve for six months after treatment.

The results are permanent.

Yes. You might get bruising, redness, and swelling.

Favicon | R & R Aesthetic Medicine


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